From Provost John Zomchick and Acting Dean of Libraries Holly Mercer: “Each year, the Provost and the University of Tennessee Libraries honor newly tenured and promoted faculty members. The UT Libraries has established a tradition of commemorating these career milestones with a bookplate placed in a book of the faculty member’s choice. Faculty may select books of professional or personal interest, whether specially-ordered or already in the UT Libraries’ collections.”
Again, this year, the department of Theory and Practice in Teacher Education (TPTE) was well-represented. Ashlee Anderson and Yolanda Kirkpatrick both achieved promotion to clinical associate professor and Joshua Kenna achieved tenure and promotion to associate professor.
For her book, Ashlee Anderson, clinical associate professor of cultural studies in educational foundations, chose the book Faces at the Bottom of the Well by Derrick Bell. Anderson stated, “It is a foundational text that has informed all of my scholarship.”
Joshua Kenna, associate professor of social sciences education, chose Building Students’ Historical Literacies: Learning to Read and Reason with Historical Texts and Evidence by Jeffery D. Nokes.
Clinical associate professor of STEM education/science and VolsTeach, Yolanda Kirkpatrick, chose This Will Be My Undoing: Living at the Intersection of Black, Female, and Feminist in (White) America by Morgan Jenkins. “I selected this book to #SayOurNames and present stories of the unheard voices or those ignored by the combination of racism and sexism,” said Kirkpatrick.
The Faculty Bookplate website is available now at This year’s selected titles will be available to library patrons by the beginning of Spring Semester 2021.