Written by Kristin Rearden, clinical professor of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) / science education
Spring commencement ceremonies may mark the end of the semester, but Theory and Practice in Teacher Education (TPTE) faculty are continuing to engage in community outreach projects, present at conferences, and conduct research through the summer months:
Elizabeth MacTavish, clinical professor of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education is presenting an updated version of a VolsTeach teaching artifact at the annual UTeach conference in Austin, TX May 20-23, 2019. The artifact reflects a merger of the digital story project from the ETEC 486 (Integrating technology into the K-12 curriculum) course and the equity project from the MEDU/SCED 433 (Classroom Interactions) course. The new cross-curricular design reflects both Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) and Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) alignment. An example can be found here.
In June, Kimberly Wolbers, associate professor of deaf education, will be hosting two cohorts of Teachers of the Deaf from across the nation to learn about Strategic and Interactive Writing Instruction (SIWI). Her professional development team includes University of Tennessee, Knoxville PhD alumni Hannah Dostal, Jennifer Kilpatrick, and Rachel Saulsburry; current UT PhD student Kelsey Holton; and a former SIWI teacher Joan Weir. The professional development program is part of a larger efficacy study funded by the Institute of Education Sciences. The study is a randomized controlled trial designed to investigate the impact of the SIWI professional development program on 3rd-6th grade teachers’ knowledge, instruction, and efficacy, and to examine the impact of SIWI on deaf and hard of hearing students’ writing and language outcomes.
Nora Vines, clinical assistant professor of literacy education, Jennifer Jordan, clinical associate professor of literacy education, and literacy education doctoral student Carrie Buckner will be presenting at the Upper Cumberland Literacy Association Summer Literacy Conference in June. Professor Vines will also be co-facilitating summer intensive professional development followed by yearlong action research projects with teachers in Eastern Kentucky through the Kentucky Reading Project for Read to Achieve initiative. Additionally, Professor Vines will be co-presenting with recent UT alumna Alexa Basinger on 1st grade reading assessments at the Smoky Mountain Literacy Council Summer Literacy Conference in July.