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Joshua Kenna and colleagues awarded prestigious NEH grant

Kenna_Alderman_Bottone_Butefish headshotsJoshua Kenna, associate professor of social science education, along with colleagues and collaborators, Derek Alderman, professor and department head of geograpy at the University of Tennessee,Knoxville; Ethan Bottone, assistant professor of geography at Northwestern Missouri State University; and Kurt Butefish, program coordinator of the Tennessee Geography Alliance, have received a prestigious grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Professor Alderman will act as Project Director.

The grant is part of NEH’s “A More Perfect Union” initiative, which supports efforts that promote a deeper understanding of United States history and culture and advance civics education in preparation for the nation’s 250th anniversary in 2026.

The grant will allow the co-investigators to hold a three-week summer institute to help 25 K-12 school teachers explore the role of geographic mobility in the African-American experience.