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Cheryl Shahan headshot 9.10.19

Cheryl Shahan, PhD

Clinical Assistant Professor, Deaf Studies


Cheryl L. Shahan is a clinical assistant professor and internship supervisor in the Deaf studies program

Shahan received a PhD degree in Deaf Education with a focus in sex-gender equity. Her dissertation, titled “An Elementary Deaf Teacher’s Interactions with Deaf Girls and Deaf Boys”, explored classroom interactions based on students’ sex. A key part of Shahan’s research was the development of an observation system that can be used in tandem with other teacher assessment tools. She aims to provide information and knowledge about equities and social justice with University of Tennessee’s students and interns as future teachers of Deaf students. She also looks at ways to provide user-friendly observation system for students, as well as expanding the teacher assessment tools.

Shahan has experience teaching at the New Mexico School for the Deaf (NMSD), Buea School for the Deaf (BSD) in Cameroon, McDaniel College, Gallaudet University, and as a Volunteer in Service to America (VISTA).


Professional Background


Shahan’s research interests include teacher-student interactions, sex-gender equity in the classroom, use of classroom observation tools, and the use of ASL-English bilingualism practices.

Cheryl Shahan headshot 9.10.19

Contact Information

  • A211 Jane and David Bailey Education Complex, 1126 Volunteer Boulevard, Knoxville, TN 37996
  • Phone: 865-264-2233
  • E-mail: