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Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Education

Literacy Studies Concentration, Children’s and Young Adult Literature Specialization

The doctoral specialization in children’s and young adult literature (CYAL) is designed for students to explore the history and evolution of the genres—including past and current trends; reader engagement; theories about reading and literacy development; reading pedagogies; and literary criticism.

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PhD in Education, Literacy Studies Concentration, Children’s and Young Adult Literature Specialization Credit Hours
TPTE 600 24
Research Area (must include TPTE 640) 15
Core Requirements
One seminar in each of the three primary concentrations: TPTE 617,  REED 602, SPED 601 or EDDE 601. Or other course from each of the three departmental PhD concentrations as selected in consultation with and approved by doctoral committee 9
TPTE 604 1
TPTE 605 1
TPTE 612 1 minimum
Concentration: CYAL related courses 15
Cognate 6

Susan Groenke,  professor and program director

Stergios Botzakis, professor

Francheska Starks, assistant professor

Minimum 72 graduate credit hours (minimum 48 graduate coursework credit hours plus minimum 24 credit hours of dissertation)

If you have questions about the program or the course of study, please contact:

Susan Groenke,  professor and program director
